Samråd om potentiella kandidater för ersättning.
Texten ges endast på engelska från ECHA
If an active substance meets any of the criteria for substitution listed in Article 10(1) of the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), then the evaluating competent authority may identify the substances as a potential candidate for substitution.
If this is the case, before submitting its opinion on the approval or renewal of the active substance to the Commission, ECHA will launch a consultation on the active substance in question.
During the consultation the following information is made public:
substance identity (name and EC/CAS numbers)
evaluating competent authority,
intended uses
condition(s) of Article 10(1) that are met
This applies to applications for approval or for renewal of approval of active substances, as described under Articles 7 and 13 of the BPR respectively, as well as to substances which are currently being evaluated as part of the Review Programme and to on-going applications for new active substances submitted under Article 11 of the Biocidal Products Directive.
Träskyddsföreningen stödjer fortsatt användning av Propiconazole fram till att effektiva alternativ finns och är utprovade. Träskyddsföreningen kommer att delta i samrådet som är öppet till den 6 september 2021.